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Our mission is to be...
​-Discipled under the Word,​
-Transformed by the Word,​
-On Mission for the Word
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God... and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us." John 1:1,14
What is our Why?
Discipled Under the Word
A disciple is committed life-long follower of Jesus. It is more than simply walking down an aisle or signing a church membership card. We want you to be a part of a journey just like the original disciples, changing the world by following Jesus.
How is Discipleship under the Word accomplished at Webb's Chapel?
-Primarily through the Sunday Morning Groups but also by one-on-one relational accountability and through the proclamation of God's Word during worship services.
Transformed by the Word
Jesus transforms His followers from the inside out. After taking our heart of sin and replacing with His righteousness, disciples are called to die to our sin and live by His Spirit. That means putting to death sinful ways and living a life empowered to do good works.
How is Transformation by the Word accomplished at Webb's Chapel?
-By personal spiritual disciplines such as prayer and consistent Bible reading
On Mission for the Word
God is on a mission. His mission is to make Himself known in order to be worshiped.
We are given the opportunity to join our heavenly King on His mission. He doesn't need us to bring Him glory, but instead He gives us the opportunity to experience unparalleled joy when we do live for His glory by making Him and His saving power known through His death and resurrection. God wants you experience joy by joining Him on His mission.
How is being On Mission accomplished at Webb's Chapel?
-Being obedient to the Great Commission is not meant to be done by means of a program or limited to a certain hour of the week. Yes, we offer opportunities to serve the community but being on mission for the Word is a way of life.
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